Lees de blogposts van experts die de hele wereld over reizen om hulpverleners uit allerlei landen te trainen en kennis met hen uit te wisselen.
We all know that safety of rescue personnel is the single most important consideration during operational activities, whether that is during training or whilst actually attending an incident. I often...
Well, as we hurtle towards the end of 2015 it is time for my last blog of the year. It has been another busy one for me and the industry as a whole. As ever I have been lucky enough to meet many...
I have had an interesting month so far, travelling in UK, Turkey and South Africa discussing the latest methods of extrication with professional rescuers. I love to see regional variations when it...
Earlier this year I was part of a twitter conversation that discussed the possibility of using drones at the scene of road traffic collisions. It was argued that the use of a drone would add value and...
For the last 7 days I have been in Australia where we have delivered 3 Holmatro Rescue Experience events in 2 states to nearly 300 rescuers. There were multiple agencies represented at the events but...
So here it is, my 50th blog; quite a milestone. For those readers who are still with me (yes…both of you!) I would like to thank you for spreading the word and sticking with it. In the relatively...
I have just returned from the UKRO National Extrication Challenge held at the Fire Service College in Moreton in Marsh, UK. I have blogged many times about the value of these (and other) extrication...
Safety is the principle consideration of any rescue scene. All rescuers have well-established operating procedures for ensuring a safe system of work. This starts before you have even left your fire...
I have just returned from the largest fire and rescue exhibition in the world: Interschutz 2015 in Hannover, Germany. Along with a team from Holmatro we staged an International Extrication Challenge...
The vast majority of my job is devoted to education and sharing knowledge, whether that is with end users of our products or our own internal staff. I am lucky that my job allows me to do some very...