When inflating the new 12 bar Holmatro Stack Bags the contact surface will stay flat. This allows for easy stacking of up to three bags. The compact HSB Stack Bags all have the same lifting height, so even in small spaces you can raise heavy loads up to 510 mm.
As the Stack Bags remain flat when pressurized, they have a greater contact surface for optimum stability and less risk of load shifting. During lifting operations you can use a single bag or stack two or three for a greater lifting height.
Stacked HSB bags have a smaller footprint than conventional bags to lift the same distance. The Holmatro Stack Bags are available in four sizes and each set will get you the same lifting height.
All bags of the new series have four straps for easy carrying. With clear markings of the contact area you can quickly stack up to three bags.
The new control unit has four LED-illuminated pressure gauges: three to monitor the independent lifting and lowering of each Stack Bag and one extra to keep an eye on the incoming air pressure. The intuitive button operation offers precise and controlled air flow regulation. Lifting stops as soon as the button is released. The safety couplers on both the control unit and the hose unlock in two steps to release the pressure before hose disconnection.
The lifting capacity of the four new Holmatro Stack Bags varies between 27 and 92 tons. The full system is compliant with all relevant safety standards, including EN 13731 and NFPA 1936 2020 edition.